Search: ak47

DEFCAD the Worlds Largest Online Firearms Repository is Back Online Deals-of-the-Week-Header-1 TFB REVIEW: Binary AK - The Franklin Armory Binary Firing System TFB Field Strip AK rifles California Compliant VR80 Shotgun Magpump Pistol Mag Loader The Galil ACE Suppressed - KNS Style Hot Gat or Fudd Crap Dead Air Wolverine POTD Wolfpack Armory AK with Carbon Fiber Barrel aftermarket trigger Discreet Rifle Cases PPU subsonic line AK-74 Bell Bottom Jeans (1) MAG47 MIL SILENCER SATURDAY #68: Suppressing Kalashnikov Patterned Rifles Yankee Hill ULTimate Seized Shotguns Nigerian Port

POTD: Adjusting the Trigger

Have you ever been to the shooting range and been forced to modify a firearm? When the custom trigger on my Vepr Molot 12 gauge shotgun failed me after years of use, it was time to change to a new one. Big competition ahead, no time to waste. The ideal would have been [Read More…]

CAR816 Range gear