Posts by TFB Staffer

TFB Staffer

TFB Staff, bringing you the latest gun news from around the world for a decade.

Firearms Food for Thought: Does the Shooter Make the Gun, Or…?

It’s an argument that’s been knocked back and forth at more than one 3-gun event or hunting cabin: does the shooter make the gun, or does the gun make the shooter? Or, in other words, can a subpar or average shooter be made into a superstar with the [Read More…]

Gun Safes: Just How Strong Is Yours?

Gun safes have been on our minds as of late thanks to a recent rush of said safes on the market. Among those recently announced: Winchester’s 150th Anniversary safe and Realtree’s under-the-bed and stackable safe. Just how theft-proof is your safe? [Read More…]

New Realtree Gun Safe

Gun storage is something that comes up with increasing frequency in my house thanks to the way our firearms seem to multiply like rabbits. Efficient organizing is something else I, personally, attempt to carry out, and that certainly comes into play with storing [Read More…]

Winchester’s 150th Anniversary Safe

Winchester was founded in 1866 and as you all know the legendary company is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year. That celebration kicked off at SHOT and will be continuing throughout the year. Next on the celebration agenda is an anniversary safe which was part [Read More…]