Attack Helicopters with Frickin Laser Beams Under Their Wings: US Army Tests High Energy Laser Weapon on AH-64 Apache

“…Not until they invent handheld laser beams or something” – maybe you’ve heard this tacked on the end of an argument about how small arms are at their peak, and unlikely to change very much anytime soon. Well, the day when Star Wars-style [Read More…]

Omni Hybrid 410

40mm Caseless Variable-Velocity Grenade Concept from Armor Development Group Shown Off at [NDIA 2017]

At the 2017 National Defense Industry Association’s (NDIA) annual Armament Systems Forum in April, Mr. Howard Kent of Armor Development Group, and Dr. Jeffery Widder presented a concept for a caseless grenade system which allows the user to aim by changing the [Read More…]
