Category: Shotguns


[SHOT 2018] What do YOU want to see from SHOT 2018?

The 2018 Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoors Show is upon us! Over the next week, the TFB Team consisting of over 16 writers, and 4 videographers will be working our hardest (and fastest) to try and bring to you, our readership, some of the broadest coverage of SHOT Show [Read More…]

Husan Arms Shotgun MKA1919

I had the opportunity to check out a new version of the Husan Arms Shotgun MKA1919. The concept isn’t new, but if you haven’t seen one before, think of it as a “beefed-up” AR15, shooting 12 gauge. The model name of the shotgun pictured is [Read More…]

Banned Russian Short Barrel 12 Gauge: Molot VEPR-12-04 Overview

In this episode of TFBTV, James gives you an overview of the Molot VEPR-12-04. This gun is unique in that it is a factory-configured short barrel shotgun, and it isn’t being imported into the United States anymore. James takes one out to the Nevada desert along with a representative from FIME [Read More…]