Category: NFA / Suppressors / Class III

Has “The Silencing” Begun? The Marine Corps Experimenting by Suppressing an Entire Battalion

On the defense side, sound suppressors have been relegated to special roles ever since their invention. Used to give stealth to special operatives, assassins, and direct action teams, silencers have been valuable tools, but not central fixtures in normal military [Read More…]

Bullets Versus Propellers, or Why Synchronizer Gears Were So Important in World War I – The SlowMo Guys

In World War I, the Germans developed a secret technology that helped them dominate the skies during 1915 and early 1916. The tech? A device that synchronized the firing of a machine gun with the rotation of an aircraft’s propeller, allowing accurate low-mounted [Read More…]

A Trip to the Bundeswehr’s Fantastic Defense Technology Museum in Koblenz, Part 5: Submachine Guns, Cont’d 2 [GUEST POST]

The history of modern small arms is in part so fascinating because of how many firearms have been developed even in obscure circumstances, and how many of those obscure small arms still exist in museums and private collections around the world. Even though I make [Read More…]

A Trip to the Bundeswehr’s Fantastic Defense Technology Museum in Koblenz, Part 3: Submachine Guns [GUEST POST]

The history of modern small arms is in part so fascinating because of how many firearms have been developed even in obscure circumstances, and how many of those obscure small arms still exist in museums and private collections around the world. Even though I make [Read More…]