OPINION: I Joined The American Suppressor Association (And You Should Too)

by Pete

I just righted a wrong that should have been fixed long ago. I joined the American Suppressor Association, an organization sponsored by industry, dealers and individual membership, dedicated to promoting the benefits of firearm silencers/suppressor ownership nationwide. So why is ASA membership so important now, even when it appears that we are entering a more politically-friendly firearm climate here in the United States? I’ll explain.

There is a tendancy among many gun owners to relax opposition to gun restrictions and legislation because the threat to our protection, sport and our future is reduced. However, I believe now is the time to increase support to those organizations who have, and will continue to focus on preserving (and restoring) our second ammendment rights.

Case in point, the Hearing Protection Act, a House Bill that, among other objectives, seeks to remove suppressors out from under the control of the National Firearms Act (NFA). The passage of this bill would be a huge win for all firearms owners (more on that in a second), and especially good for silencer aficionados. But, with mid-term elections only two short years away, the window to pass this important legislation may be especially short.

So, as a non-suppressor owner, why should you join the ASA? Because for whatever reason that you don’t/can’t/won’t spin a silencer onto the barrel of your favorite gun, supporting the ASA and the Hearing Protection Act will lead to a spike in innovation across the industry. As it stands now, the period of time a consumer has to wait between the purchase of a silencer and the physical ownership of that silencer is 8-12 months. Meaning real world data on that suppressor’s use is already a year behind when the first serial number should end up in an American’s hands.

Making suppressors mainstream will also open up the market to a segment of shooters currently unavailable to manufacturers and distributors. The industry as a whole will adapt to a more silencer-friendly stance as demand increases and the development of parts focuses on blast, recoil, gas and sound reduction.

I had the opportunity to speak with Knox Williams, President and Executive Director of the American Suppressor Association. And while there is still a lot of work to be done, I left the conversation with a feeling of optimism – an impression of “when, not if” for the passage of the HPA.

Williams states:

The strength of any association correlates directly to the strength of its members. In this regard, the ASA is not unique. Simply put, the more members we have, the stronger our voice becomes. The stronger our voice becomes, the more our legislators will listen. Now is the time to come together to get the Hearing Protection Act passed and signed into law. We call on every suppressor owner and SOT in the country to join our fight to protect our right to protect our hearing. If we work together, we will get this done.

So I am issuing a challenge to gun owners across the nation: I urge you join the ASA and support the Hearing Protection Act. And once you do, ask your friends to join.

I am also challenging industry leaders – if you aren’t already ASA members, it’s time to join. If you are members, consider offering incentives to customers to join or give discounts to customers who are already ASA members.

As the saying goes, “A rising tide floats all boats”. It’s time to help move the moon and surge the water in our favor.

The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is the unified voice of the suppressor industry. Our mission is to unite and advocate for the common interests of suppressor manufacturers, distributors, dealers, and consumers. To accomplish our mission, our principal initiatives focus on state lobbying, federal lobbying, public education, and industry research.

For four years, the ASA has worked in conjunction with like-minded organizations to ensure and expedite the passage of pro-suppressor laws and regulations. Since the ASA’s formation in 2011, thirty six pro-suppressor laws or regulations have been enacted. Eighteen states have legalized suppressor hunting, fifteen states have passed “Shall Sign” or “Shall Certify” legislation, and three states have legalized suppressor ownership.

American Suppressor Association Sponsors:

Join the AMerican Suppressor Association today




Silencers - Science Pete@thefirearmblog.com

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2 of 44 comments
  • Miguel Raton Miguel Raton on Nov 22, 2016

    Sure, I'll join. Even tho' regardless of how the Federal law is changed, I'm behind the Granola Curtain in the PRK, so it won't do *me* a lick of good. BUT, before I do, they've got to promise NOT to be like *every* other gun rights organization out there & bombard me w/ spam and sell my contact info to every @$$h0l3 out there who thinks that just because I signed up with them, I'm a soft touch for every scammer who puts a right-wing slant on their come-on.

    When they do that, I'll join. But I'm sick & tired of being bombarded w/ spam after I've already contributed, and having my email & snail mail addresses sold to anybody who wants it to add a nickel to their coffers. So until they can make that guarantee, they're SOL.

  • Brett Brett on Nov 23, 2016

    They need to make some t-shirts with that sweet owl logo! I'd support them by buying one as soon as it hit their store.
