An Affordable Suppressor from Radical Firearms

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Jeremy S. at The Truth About Guns reviews an affordable AR-15 suppressor from Radical Firearms that retails for around $350 and comes with a generous lifetime warranty. Jeremy writes

First, some stats. The RF 5.56 is made entirely from 316L stainless steel. It’s 7 inches long, 1.5 inches in diameter, and it weighs 20.7 ounces on my scale. It’s finished in high-temp Cerakote. What this all means is that it’s a bit longer and heavier than your average 5.56 suppressor, and due to the materials choice it is not full-auto rated. It is rated for use on as short as a 10.5-inch barrel, though, and carries a lifetime warranty as long as you don’t violate those two restrictions (no full-auto, 10.5+ inch barrel).

If/when the Hearing Protection Act is passed into law, and I think there is a good chance it will at some point in the next four years, the market for affordable suppressors will explode. The pent up demand will result in all sorts of innovative and low cost suppressors.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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2 of 36 comments
  • Cawpin Cawpin on Nov 19, 2016

    Why are we still giving this company coverage? They have had several severe (and somewhat dangerous) quality control issues, one due to using reverse engineered reamers instead of getting licensed for the caliber involved, and have had barrels go out with no rifling. Lastly, one of their company leaders showed up at a writer's house after a bad review. This is not the kind of company we should be supporting.

  • Rdsii64 Rdsii64 on Nov 19, 2016

    The SOS from Rebel silencers is modular, and cheaper!!
