Search: glock 22

MkGs Guard

What They Never Taught Me About Concealed Carry Handguns in Home Ec. (Female Gun Owner Series, Part 1)

Home Economics classes in middle and high school painted pictures of young women like myself blossoming into gentile Southern belles, sipping Mint Juleps on the front porch and planning the next bridge club soiree. However, my fiercely independent nature makes personal [Read More…]


POTD: AUG-Ninjas

Today’s series of photos are a bit odd. You can see the melee training for the guards of the Maria Theresien Kaserne in Vienna, Austria. This is part of a self-defense training. They seem quite confident that their Steyr AUGs, including the optics, will withstand [Read More…]

Maxpedition camera bag for CCW