Vitaly Kryuchin Explains the Dual Wielding Intuitive Pistol Shooting Technique
Vitaly Kryuchin is the president of IPSC Russia. You have probably seen him in videos where he makes music by shooting at different steel targets dual wielding and hip firing two Glock pistols. If you haven’t seen these videos, you can watch them by clicking here and here.
These videos are cool and entertaining, but they raise a simple question: how he does that? Is it a result of extensive training or is there a trick or special technique or maybe the combination of both?
Russian TV and YouTube channel called T24 published a video with Vitaly Kryuchin where he tells how he shoots that way and the history behind this technique. They call this hip fire technique “intuitive shooting”.
The reason why Vitaly started practicing the intuitive shooting is the stories told by his grandfather who used that very technique during WW1 where he was a member of a special recon unit. Vitaly’s grandfather used to carry 6 revolvers (presumably Nagant M1895 models) on his person. During sabotages and attacks, he used to dual wield the revolvers and use the intuitive shooting technique when fighting in the trenches. Once the two revolvers were emptied, he would simply drop them and pull out the second pair, then the third pair.
At first, this sounds like a movie scene and doesn’t seem to be a too efficient fighting method. But let’s think about it. So it is WW1, you are attacking/sabotaging the enemy trenches and the enemy is most likely armed with bolt action rifles and handguns. Granted that Vitaly’s grandfather was shooting as fast and accurate as Vitaly does, it is actually a tremendous amount of firepower in the trenches of WW1.
At some point of his shooting career, Vitaly started experimenting with the intuitive shooting trying to master it. He studied the biomechanics involved in it and after 3 to 5 years of research and practicing he refined and systemized the technique. In other words, he brought the hip firing almost to a scientific level making it something that can be taught to others.
According to Kryuchin, the key aspect of this technique is that your muscles aim the gun, not your eyes. Another important part is to be able to see the point of impact which means you have to be able not to blink when the shots are fired. While shooting you also need to “see” the guns with your peripheral vision. When you see the impact of the projectile, your brain adjusts the position of your hands so that the follow-up shots will be more accurate.
Sounds pretty simple and easy which it is in theory. However, in order to make that happen, you need to practice a lot. According to Vitaly, after some 10,000 rounds of practicing one should be able to do develop the necessary muscle dexterity. After that amount of practice, your eyes, brain and muscles refine this technique and make it more like a muscle memory. Your brain learns how to align your line of sight and the bore axis so that the two lines cross at the target. As Kryuchin says, you will eventually stop thinking how to hold the guns, it will happen naturally.
With even more practice you can train your both hands to work equally accurate. As you can see in the animated images below, at the level of refined muscle memory Vitaly has, you can even move to different directions (left to right or back and forth) and still be able to quickly engage the targets. It doesn’t even matter for him on which hand he has the pistol and in what direction he engages the targets: left to right or vice versa, opposite to the direction of his movement etc.
Kryuchin also gives a tip on moving while utilizing the intuitive shooting. You need to keep the center of mass of your body even with the ground level. Instead of normal walking, you need to sort of crouch using the heel-toe moving method. He bends his knees slightly and moves so that his upper body stays even in the vertical plane. This way the handguns stay steady while you are moving.
Interestingly, before each exercise, Vitaly Kryuchin makes the first shot on a rectangular target to kind of confirm that his biomechanical aiming system is properly calibrated.
This is maybe not a skill of any practical importance. Nevertheless, it is interesting to know the family history behind this technique and to know how to learn it if you will ever need/want to. Needless to say that it is overwhelmingly fun! Now I can’t wait to practice a bit during my next range trip.
If you want to watch the mentioned YouTube video (in Russian), you can find it embedded below:
In the context of this article, let me tell you about another tip that I heard from a very skilled shooter and a veteran of some special forces units with a huge combat experience. One of my friends introduced me to that man while we all were at the shooting range. We were shooting 12 gauge slugs and buckshot. At the end of that range day, he loaded a slug into the shotgun and with saying “Let’s see if I still remember it” lowered the shotgun to his hip. At first, I thought the old man is just having fun but quickly changed my mind when saw him hitting the clay target placed at about 3 to 5 meter distance. I asked him if there is a tip he can give me to let me learn this trick. He nodded.
He started with telling me that the vast majority of people who try hip firing, end up shooting higher. For some reason, your brain crosses the bore axis and line of sight way in front of the target thus resulting in projectiles flying over the target. I immediately tried that. I was sure that I am pointing the muzzle at the target but both shots I fired went over the target. Then he told me to hold the muzzle down as much as it would seem to me that I would hit the ground in front of the target. I did that which is kind of weird, you are really sure that you will hit the ground. I gently pulled the trigger and launched a Lee 1 oz slug downrange. You guessed it, it hit the target. Well, not a clay target but a larger paper one. I tried it over and over for at least 5 times and kept hitting the target with decent (human size) accuracy and only one flier. That was a rather cool skill to learn.
What this gentleman told me in response to my expression of gratefulness for the tip, is a perfect phrase to finish this article, too. He said me:
“You won’t probably ever need to hip fire, but if you have to, you’d better know how to”.
Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at
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Very interesting article. As someone that practices a method similar to this, I can vouch for it. I started trying to develop my own method because of failing eyesight. So I was looking for something new.
I started at point blank range doing "The Pencil Drill." and used a target similar to a dart board with the "bullseye" being something like the size of a quarter, and with a five inch outter wring around the bullseye. I used the pencil drill until I developed the muscle memory to make consist hits. Once I was in the 90% hit ratio, I took one step back, and now started using my SRT Pistol with a laser sight. Once I was consistently hitting the bullseye, I took another step back and so on to the point I was between 9 to 12 feet away. The bullseye as indicated is the size of a quarter.
That was 9 years ago, and I practice twice a day seven days a week. I found that it is all about muscle memory and repetition, and anyone can do it. And the reason this is not talked about more is because the intense commitment to practice that is required.
And while the video calls it something else, I call my technique of hip shooting "indexing." What this means is that there has to be a consistent relationship between the hand and the eye and the brain. That can only be achieved when You have a consistent stable "anchor" to go by. For me, that is My elbow at Hip draw slightly cocked into my side. Consistency is the key. Once the hand the elbow, the eye, the brain are all coordinated, the process becomes very easy.
I've explained my system numerous times to people on the You Tube channels and have interestingly been most heavily criticized by people making shooting technique videos. They either call me a liar, or they say it is impossible to do.
What is wonderful about this video is that it completely validates what I have been doing for the past 9 years. Of course, While I created my own techniques, these have been around for at least 100 years. It is nothing new. And when I get into arguments with my detractors, I usually just mention that what I practice is the oldest form of instinctive shooting known to man. It was what was first used when learning to throw a rock on a target and what a Quarterback uses when he throws to a running back where he thinks the running back will be 20, 30 yards down range. It is the most used system by Archery Instinctive Shooters and has been used to lob spears, rocks in slings and atlatls.
Why this is so "controversial" is beyond me.
I'm now making hits on quarter sized bullseyes at 21 feet. My hit ratio is about 40% (at 12 feet, my quarter hit ratio is 85%) at speed draw (as defined by the combat shooting industry as drawing and hitting Your target within 1 1/2 seconds). However, I am within 1 1/2 inches of the quarter in 92% of the shots.
The difference is that my training style uses laser pistols and a Crimson Trace on my EDC which is a J frame snubbie. This gives one the ability to practice at home or in the basement and without using any live ammunition which is far safer. In addition with the laser pistols that are available today, You don't even need a real gun to get good at being an accurate shooter.
Of course this is unheard of but with modern advances, it is all doable. Then, one can purchase realistic replicas of Airsoft, which can also duplicate the shots. For speed work, You can purchase a timer, and use a primer to develop speed. This is the next phase of my development, since I have hit a plateau and will have to invest in a shooting timer in order to develop more speed.
One thing I have noticed is that the use of a laser sight on a gun is almost as effective as spending years practicing shooting.
I honestly believe that one can develop target acquisition almost as well in 30 days practice as I have with instinctive shooting practicing two times a day seven days a week for 9 years in about 30 days with the use of a Crimson Trace laser grip on a gun.
So for combat shooting, I am lethal at anything within 21 feet (7 yards). I do not practice at further distances since as a civilian, there is no point. Statistically, the furthest you might have to fire in a self defense situation would be about 7 yards.
There are a few problems however. 1) Laser pistols are not robust enough. I constantly break them. They are made of inferior parts, My SRT Pistol is constantly down, and I have to send it into the factory for repairs. I recently bought a laserlyte pistol and mine is a J frame. They are very light, but once You get used to them, shoot at Point of Impact. The problem ls that the trigger mechanisms are of very prone materials and prone to break. Just after receiving it, the trigger have out after less than 500 repetitions, and I had to call the company up for a repair they sent me a new one. I only have a few hundred repetitions through it, and therefore do not anticipate it holding up to as much as I use it.
What has held up superbly is my Crimson Trace Laser Grip. I've had it for over 9 years, and have pulled many thousands of repetitions through it without one malfunction. I've replaced the batteries only 3 times. Without question, this is the cheapest way to go though it is the most costly up front. So when my laser pistols are down, I resort to my EDC and just use the Crimson Trace.
Bill Jordan would smile...