Search: MSBS

FB Radom Celebrates Production of 100,000 MSBS Grot Rifles POTD: Polish MSBS Grot & PM-84 Glauberyt A WOT Promo photo featuring the MSBS (WOT) MSBS bullpup 2018 Pakistani FB Radom Civilian MSBS

MSBS “Grot” Modular Assault Rifle from FB Radom Displayed at [AUSA 2017]

At the 2017 Association of the United States Army annual meeting, gunmaker FB Radom was present at the Polish pavilion, displaying their MSBS modular assault rifle, recently named “Grot” (arrowhead) by the Polish government. The new rifle has been selected [Read More…]

Fabryka Broni MSBS

MSBS Greenlit To Adoption Pending Polish State Trials, Ahead of “Titan” Program

The Polish government has greenlit the adoption of the MSBS rifle platform, pending state tests of the weapon, ahead and independent of the larger scope rearmament program “Titan” (sometimes also rendered “Titanium”). The reason for this is the [Read More…]

Polish MSBS Rifle (SHOT Show 2016)

The Polish MSBS rifle has been making waves among the armed forces in its homeland for a while now (phasing out the old Beryl rifles), and us lucky folks in the USA will soon be able to get our hands on them. They are convertible to bullpup form, fully ambi, easy to manipulate, and downright [Read More…]