Tag: Training

Learning to Run a Bolt-Action For Real – Chris Baker Goes Over Getting Started in Practical Rifle Shooting

When it comes to my shooting hobbies, sometimes I feel like a bit of a black sheep. I am neither a race gun driver, nor a benchrest shooter. I don’t blast IDPA targets and Texas stars with an STI DVC Open, or break 200 rounds per minute cyclic smoking brown [Read More…]

Firearms Training

Training Thoughts

It seems that every time I turn around, I get an e-mail or Facebook message from some new training company that claims to be the next, best thing. If I may, I wish to briefly pontificate on firearms training. First, I think that a lot of the training in the industry is [Read More…]

self-defense videos

Meet the “Black Rifle”: An Introduction to the AR-15

It’s no good to discuss how firearms work without also giving the context surrounding the firearms themselves. With that said, let’s talk about the AR-15, its copycats, competitors, and relatives. Together these rifles share space under the loose umbrella [Read More…]

Gun Control 101

Whenever anyone, regardless of their political views, asks me about guns, I talk to them openly and empathetically, and then I offer to take them shooting – and emphasize that we’ll do it safely. Out of those I’ve offered range trips to, most of [Read More…]

Tactical Mall Ninja Training

This video has been edited so I do not know what group made the original video. Setting aside the comments and the music accompaniment, the drills these people are performing are somewhat comical. There are a lot of possibilities of danger such as shooting while someone [Read More…]