12 year old Trinity is a Gun Wielding Badass

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Trinity is a 12 year old girl who trains with her father Mike. I came across Mike and his daughter in this video where Trinity is practicing for a scenario where her father is incapacitated and she needs to draw his weapon, defend herself and her father.

Here is a video of Trinity running a drill with an AR pistol and Glock

The degree of precision and movement she demonstrated on this drill was extraordinary for a 12 year old girl. Shooting on the move, heal toe, with trigger reset after each shot. Transition to hand gun and getting the shot off as soon as she had front site picture, moving to cover with her handgun facing threat as she ducked to cover, reloading her primary flawlessly, inching out from cover slowly so to not expose herself, staying on target during the ascent. Full scan and In no rush to recover. FLAWLESS don’t think some of our officers could demonstrate this level of competency. Wish I got a close up of the target. Everything was in

Here she is running a pistol drill on steel. Drawing a mag while keeping eyes on target, manipulating the firearm and moving off the line of force. Very well done.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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  • Glock Guy Glock Guy on Aug 10, 2016

    Anybody know what holster she is using on her leg?

  • Aint So Aint So on Aug 10, 2016

    As a father who for many years has enjoyed owning and shooting multitudes of firearms of every imaginable type with my three sons, I definitely find these to be commendable skills for a 12 yr old. Unfortunately the author of this article appears to be in possession of the parenting disposition of a moron. His evaluation of her skill level is that she now qualifies as a "badass". I really don't care how he meant it, badass does not apply, nor should it ever with regard to firearms. This is the sort of brainless description that feeds ammo to second amendment opponents. Lets say we clone this child and now we have 100 little wannabe badass little girls, all with firearms, who all think because of adult encouragement that they should aspire to be badasses rather than responsible shooters and athletes. Sounds great doesn't it? Teaching shooting and tactics to children is admirable and when they excel it is commendable but only a dumass would encourage a child that it is the road to becoming a badass and acting out with firearms is a virtue or admire it when, God forbid, this is what happens. The juvenile disposition displayed by this adult author is never a good aspiration or even a good suggestion from an adult in the presence of a child and certainly never when firearm are involved. I have to ask why the hell would any responsible adult ever encourage this attitude in a child. After viewing these clips, I suspect that it is this little girl who could teach this author a thing or two, not about firearms, but about the responsible presentation of her work.

    • Glenn cheney Glenn cheney on Aug 10, 2016

      @Aint So Well, I prefer to lurk, read, learn. FWIW, Trinity is a rare talent, no different than a little girl as you say, putting in work week hours getting gymnastics routines down pat...practice, practice practice.
      I hear no uproar over a kid putting in horrendous hours weekly at that age.
      Where I must take issue, is, your opinions on child rearing, firearms, and the what's and when's as appropriate.
      I'm not looking to call names or hurl any insults, however....NO TWO KIDS are the same. I have three daughters, all started at 5 or so with a BB gun, safety first, last and always here. By ten, my oldest daughter could out-shoot me with my 9mm Smith, and she sat at that age by herself in a Ga. and Alabama tree stand at 10 with a Win. 20 ga. pump. The next year, a Browning ABolt .243 and a Nikon 3x9. Her sisters all shot...
      Some have the interest, the gift...all of mine know the ropes, one continues to advocate. Her boys, now 7, 8 are woefully behind where she was at that age.
      The new trend is WOMEN, CWP, AND ABLE....in firearms.
      Trinity is a rare gem, Manatee Gun and Archery in Florida has a gunny, that coaches the U.S. Olympic Rifle Team. I would venture a guess, he'd be very impressed. We might be just getting a glimpse of our up and coming Olympians, Trinity.
      I lack the training provided to Trinity, but my "girls" esp. one, can thread a needle at any yardage you suggest. Her "edge" was sound fundamentals, and a brain surgeon's rock steady hand. No run n' gunner. Dad lacked the skill-set had she shown interest.

      I teach ethics, bullet placement, one shot. Ethical harvests. As to instilling these "attitudes" in a "child" I ask you. How do you explain that what you are doing is harvesting, efficiently. The "K" word. ????? Her sister shot, knew safety, could not stand the sight of red platelets on a carcass, so, she never was going to be a "hunter."
      When I was about three, four, I watched my grandmother, born in the 1880's, sit among a hundred pullets, running around her, seated before a chopping block...she snatched them up by the head and neck as they scrambled by, one quick motion, onto the block, chop....toss the bird aside and grab the next one. I can see that must have severely damaged me at that age, seeing where our food came from.
      Next time you're in KFC, and your chick. wing IS BROKEN....it occurred as they were going down a line, hung upside down, flapping wings until bones break, as the shears come ever closer. If they put that on TV, every citified type would go vegan.
      You must be a city type, not a hunter, and no I'm not looking to argue. Some have the mental capacity to acquire the skills necessary to function at that level....Just because you and I don't, doesn't mean it's for older than "x" only.
      My kid used to sit until past dark thirty. I've seen grown men, afraid of the dark, be at the truck by dark-fall, the very time they s/be in their stand.
      BTW, My two grandsons, the oldest, no interest in bb guns, no attention span...the 6 y/old, just turned 7, he's already telling grand-paw which part goes with which on AR builds. He'll tell ya' that gun is loaded, that all are. He's far behind his Mom at this point, but no hurries, grand-paw doesn't get up in that stand like he used to, but I still like my KFC, original recipy please.
      Do not suppress talent, nurture it.
