How It Works, "The Pig" Edition – M60 Machine Gun

Nathan S
by Nathan S

Still in use today with the US military, albeit at a reduced capacity, the M60 machine gun is a well-known force to be reckoned with. With its ability to controllably lay down suppressive fire, “The Pig” (as it was affectionately known), was the back-bone of the infantry squad through the Vietnam War. The weapon was often cited as the single reason a wave attack was repulsed.

The M60 is a fully-automatic, gas-operated, air-cooled, shoulder or mount-fired, open-bolt, medium machine gun. It first 7.62×51 NATO from linked belts of ammunition. The barrels are quick-change and come with an integral bi-pod for firing from the prone position. The weapon was typically loaded with ball ammunition in a ratio of 4 standard rounds to a single tracer, which helped machine gunners walk the weapon in to their intended target.

Provided, by Documentary Tube, HOW IT WORKS: The M60 Machine Gun is an old army instructional video complete with the mesmerizing male voice, keep-it-simple break-it-down-barney-style demonstrations, and the pre-computer cardboard style cut-away of the weapons systems.

To me, its amazing how effective these videos are. They are truly instructional and for some reason that I do not understand, wholly entertaining unlike the death by powerpoint training found in armories today.

Enjoy the video!

Nathan S
Nathan S

One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.

More by Nathan S

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2 of 42 comments
  • Uniform223 Uniform223 on Oct 06, 2016

    This isn't your daddy's M60...

  • CS CS on Oct 06, 2016

    Those of you who like these kinds of old tutorial films may really enjoy watching Jam Handy, who's probably the best of the breed. You can find a large collection of his works, drm free over at the internet archive.
