Tactical Mall Ninja Training

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

This video has been edited so I do not know what group made the original video. Setting aside the comments and the music accompaniment, the drills these people are performing are somewhat comical. There are a lot of possibilities of danger such as shooting while someone is down range. I get it, some elite groups train this way to build up confidence. However these people do not look to be part of any kind of elite law enforcement group. At one point in the video, two guys are performing synchronized shooting and spinning in a circle with each other. Not sure when that would be required or why but just looks like something someone came up with after watching too many movies.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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2 of 47 comments
  • Jim D Jim D on Mar 29, 2016

    Okay, don’t everybody jump on me, but that’s some impressive shooting. I saw the original video, thanks to “Treebasher” (posted 5 days ago). This isn’t a beginner class. I’ve been shooting for fun and money for over thirty years. They didn’t just start yesterday, folks. I don’t know who they are, so I’m not jumping on the talk-shit bandwagon. These guys and that girl (don’t get me started on her) might be police or military. Whatever. They can shoot and are at least pro-gun. I’m so fuckn pissed at what the RNC is doing to rip itself apart (which will put Hillary in and kick the shit out of our Second Amendment). This feels like the same thing. We should be uniting against the anti-gun sentiment, not trying to take down some shooters we don’t know.

  • RA RA on Apr 05, 2016

    I would like to know how many of the "experts" talking about this video have actually been in an OH CRAP! fire fight? There are unconventional situations in combat. It doesn't happen by the book every time.
    Sincerely what are they doing in this training that is wrong or doesn't apply? I'm not afraid to ask and to learn. Please break it down so everyone afraid to ask can learn as well.
