Search: chen

China SMG 9mm training Russian Prototype OTs-128 Belt-Fed Machine Gun (1) India to Start Licensed Manufacturing of Caracal CAR 817AR Rifles (1) close up of Glock Crossbolt Safety Shooter shooting a biathlon rifle

[SHOT 2018] Franklin Armory Reformation Follow-Up: Performance and Ammo

In this SHOT 2018 Floor Day Interview, James gets further in depth with Jay Jacobson, the President of Franklin Armory, about the Franklin Armory Reformation, an 11.5″ AR15 with a standard buttstock that skirts the definition of “short barrel rifle” via omitting traditional [Read More…]

Who owns Heckler & Koch?

According to the German finance magazine BILANZ the former Managing Director of Heckler & Koch, Mr. Nicola Marinelli, wants to force his former employer before the Discritc Court to expose its true shareholders. As you may remember there was a another change of [Read More…]