Search: lower receiver

The Silencing Continues: US SOCOM Restarts Suppressor Upper Receiver Group Upgrade Program for M4A1

The US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has revised its solicitation for the Suppressor Upper Receiver Ground (SURG) program (via The SURG program is intended to provide an upper receiver for the M4A1 Carbine which would be designed for continuous [Read More…]

Battle Arms Development .300 BLK, VERT Stock & Receiver | SHOT 2017

The staff at Battle Arms Development with their white lab coats were at it again this year, showing off AR15s you swear are works of art instead of rifles, save for the 5.56x45mm stampings on the receiver. Specifically new for 2017 was the companies .300 BLK rifle [Read More…]

Ascend Armory set Colt Canada IUR

Handl Defense Releases Video of SCAR-47 Lower, Intermediate Calibers A Possibility

The SCAR-H, once a secondary requirement for a 7.62×51 conversion for the 5.56mm SOCOM Assault Rifle program, has now been brought to the fore as one of the primary lightweight 7.62x51mm semiautomatic rifle platforms available on both the civilian and military [Read More…]

New Frontier Armory 9mm Glock AR Lower

9MM AR-15s seem to be getting more popular these days. 9mm ARs are nothing new, they’ve been around for decades, but the new trend seems to be AR lower receivers that accept Glock magazines. Most recently there was the Angstadt Arms UDP-9 from SHOT Show 2015 as [Read More…]

Colt Canada IUR Upper