HK433 safety selector graphics. And a new lower.

Eric B
by Eric B

Having examined the pictures of the HK433 from EnforceTac 2017 versus the catalogue I ran into a funny discovery.

The 45 degree safety seems inspired from sports shooting, which is not a first. We see more and more influences from practical shooting get into military applications and products, and it’s only positive if civilian sports shooting can improve the products we use to defend our countries.

However, a funny coincidence is that the graphics for the selector seems to have changed from the pictures in the catalogue and the rifle on display at EnforceTac in Germany.

Due to the lightning, reflections and a crowded booth it was virtually impossible to take any good pictures of the HK433 from the left side but below are some examples of the right side.

Below: Right side of the rifle. Exhibition graphics and lower. Notice the line where the lower meets the upper. Brass deflector is different. Paddle magazine release. (TFB Picture from EnforceTac 2017 display)

Below: Catalogue version. Note that the both the selector and the graphics has changed. Differences in the upper receiver.

Selector: The graphics on the selector is gone on the exhibition version. Instead of the white indicator (“arrow”) it seems that the angle of the selector is now the indicator. Left side of the rifle shown below. You can also see a huge difference in the design of the lower.

Will the EnforceTac version make it easier to go into full auto?

Below: Left side of rifle, catalogue picture.

HK433 Catalogue picture, left side.

Below: From EnforceTac 2017. Notice that the outline of the lower is completely changed also. The pincs are now clearly visible and the lower has gone from “soft/round corners” to a more angled shape.

It looks like the pistol grip is different too.

Below: I don’t know the origin of this picture or where it was taken, but this rifle has the same graphics as the rifles in the catalogue. Looks like a 3:rd version of the lower as well.

To compare further you can find some other modern version of HKs below: HK416 A5, G36 A11 and MP5 SD6.

HK416 A5

G36 A11


Most likely, there are many versions of the HK433 in R&D and prototyping at the H&K Oberndorf facility.

I have no idea which style the final production model will end up with, but if I may speculate it could be cheaper to buy a selector without graphics and also the end user avoids the problem with wear and tear.

With regards to the different lowers, uppers and other parts you are welcome to help out in the comments section below.

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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2 of 15 comments
  • JSandMath JSandMath on Mar 17, 2017

    The original/MP5-like selector was subjectively better imo, but it's easy to see how they ran out of room to the right and above the selector's hole.

  • Jonathan Ferguson Jonathan Ferguson on Mar 20, 2017

    There appears to be a white line on the new version of the selector to indicate the position, not just the flat angle...
