Category: News

RELEASED: ATF Firearms Commerce In The United States – 2016

Since I am getting “mixed” reviews on my cheesy Buddy Cop graphic comedy series, how about a mid-week’s look at some dry accounting numbers? Ok, maybe they aren’t so dry since all of the stats involve guns. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, [Read More…]


Cracking the Machine Pistol’s Code: Is a Useful Fully Automatic Handgun Possible?

In a previous article on TFB, we compared a Mauser 712 Schnellfeuer to a Glock 17 with an auto sear, and along the way discussed how very limited the usefulness of the modern machine pistol is. Fully automatic pistol-sized weapons have been around for over a hundred [Read More…]

Breaking: GunMag Warehouse Data Breach

Reports are surfacing of a possible data breach at the magazine clearing house GunMag Warehouse. Reddit Users who purchased the 6 pack of Hexmags deal are reporting that they were receiving calls from their credit card fraud departments as well as seeing transactions [Read More…]

Vox Invincible Arms