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self-defense videos
GSG Pistol

GSG FireFly Launched

American Tactical officially announced the German Sports Guns (GSG) FireFly pistol introduction into the United States market. If the gun looks familiar to you, it is for good reason. As reported previously, the FireFly is a rebranded version of the discontinued SIG [Read More…]

Silencer Varmint X

Meet the “Black Rifle”: An Introduction to the AR-15

It’s no good to discuss how firearms work without also giving the context surrounding the firearms themselves. With that said, let’s talk about the AR-15, its copycats, competitors, and relatives. Together these rifles share space under the loose umbrella [Read More…]

AG42b Ljungman Run and Gun

The Swedish AG42b self loading rifles are simple, robust, and damn fun to shoot. These tilt-locking, direct impingement long guns served the Swedes from the early 40s until the 1960s when they were ditched in favor of the AK4 rifle (a G3 clone). So how will it fare on the run and gun course? AG42 [Read More…]