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Strike Industries MASS DRIVER Compensator for Gen3 Glock Pistols (1) p365xl 9mm SILENCER SATURDAY #93: Best Choices For Your First Silencer Concealed Carry Conversion of an M1917

POTD: Snipers in Kaliningrad

Today’s Photo is from the shores of Kaliningrad, a city in the administrative centre of Kaliningrad Oblast, a Russian exclave between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea. Check out the location on the map, it’s a bit odd piece of land. We’re looking [Read More…]

hellcat bravo SOCOM Looks for Spotting Bullets for Replacing Tracers 1 Target Conversion of M1917 Revolver apex wedge boot

POTD: Storing Ammunition

Photo Of The Day – Today we are looking at how the Schriever Air Force Base store some of their ammunition. The base is named after General Bernard Adolph Schriever. As you can see there is not a Magpul PMAG in sight, only metal magazines. I am not going to judge, [Read More…]

Concealed Carry Corner: Helping Your Non-gun Friends to Choose a First Concealed Carry Handgun

I know many will disagree, but I think we live in a Golden Age of gun culture. Never before so much good (and bad) information was readily available. There are blogs, sites, forums, reviews, videos, manuals and training classes available to anyone who wants to learn [Read More…]

POTD: Minigun Monday VI

Unfortunately, there are not enough good pictures of Miniguns to keep us going every week, but this Monday we’re back with our very own Photo Of The Day: Minigun Monday where we admire pictures of Miniguns in various places and spaces. This time we’re [Read More…]