[ADIHEX 2019] Intro and Some Eye Candy
ADIHEX, the Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition, is an annual event towards the end of the, scorching hot, summer in Abu Dhabi, UAE. As the name implies, this is not firearms dedicated show, but the “hunting guns” area alone is usually worth a visit, if anything to understand what are the models which catch the interest of the local populations.
The event is not only an exhibition, but also a trade show, offering a unique opportunity to allow firearm permit holders, UAE or Gulf Cooperation Council nationals, to purchase items otherwise not easily obtainable in this limited market.
At ADIHEX, hunting rifles and shotguns are the most common models showcased by manufacturers and importers. A few pistols or long guns more geared towards target or recreational shooting are, however present, and so are plenty of eye catching collector pieces.
We’ll see in separate articles few companies which somehow stood out, in the author’s humble opinion. Here we’ll just have a quick look at some photos taken with no other goal than documenting peculiar or rather uncommon firearms.
Let’s call this the ADIHEX 2019 Photo Dump.
Pistols from Hans Wrage & Co.
A few photos of handguns of different brands only having in common a high collector’s value. Brought to ADIHEX by the German import/export company Hans Wrage & Co. GmbH.
Long Guns from MP3 International
MP3 International is an Abu Dhabi based trading company specialized in firearms, from pistols to luxury hunting rifles and collectible classics.
Rifles from Blaser and John Rigby & Co.
Blaser and Rigby, both part of the same holding, brought to ADIHEX a selection of luxury hunting rifles. Here we can see a few examples.
EVANIX from South Korea
No actual firearms here, sorry, but interesting airguns from the Korean company EVANIX.
This covers a brief Intro to the event, next we’ll see EDIC Caracal (UAE) and FBT (Austria) in more details. Stay tuned!
Italian firearm enthusiast, Giorgio has a passion for innovative or plainly unusual mechanical solutions. He's also interested in manufacturing technologies with a recent focus on additive manufacturing.You can contact him at giorgio_o at zoho dot com and you'll find him in the comments section as Giolli Joker.
More by Giorgio O
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The Sjögren shotgun bears an odd resemblence to Degtyaryov's "flavor" of engineering/design. Doesn't it sort of look like a DP or RPD?
Anybody interested in the air guns, check out Pyramyd Air. Sarco has the Pietta .22 autoloader.