Posts by Miles


Infantry Marine, based in the Midwest. Specifically interested in small arms history, development, and usage within the MENA region and Central Asia. To that end, I run Silah Report, a website dedicated to analyzing small arms history and news out of MENA and Central Asia.

Please feel free to get in touch with me about something I can add to a post, an error I’ve made, or if you just want to talk guns. I can be reached at

Night Vision Capabilities of the Taliban in Afghanistan

The ability to execute complex operations in conditions of low light or complete darkness has been an asset unique to NATO militaries since the 1990s when fighting against local insurgencies. Often within planning sessions for OIF, OEF, or the current Resolute Support [Read More…]

The Two Way Range Part Two: Returning Fire

In an earlier TFB TV episode, we covered some of the experiences that combat veterans have gone through while under fire. We continue that discussion in this final episode, going into much more detail about some of the nuances and specific aspects of being in combat and actually returning fire back [Read More…]

Guns of the North! NVA and Viet Cong Small Arms during the Vietnam War

Col. Greg Dillon sat down and talked with us about the small arms that himself and the men he was commanding were faced with during the course of his two tours in Vietnam during the conflict in the 1960s. Everything from AKs, B52s, and RPGs are lightly discussed in this informative episode. Although [Read More…]