Magpul Awarded $12 Million DOD Contract, Possibly PMAGs for every Marine

by Miles

In what is certainly one of Magpul Industries largest contracts yet, Defense Logistics Agency has awarded the company a $12,792,000 definite quantity for GEN M3 PMAG magazines (mislabeled as magazine cartridges in the announcement wording). The contract specifically states that the order is for the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps. However, upon TFB reaching out to Magpul Industries, we have found out there is a very high possibility that this contract is going to be used to outfit every Marine and Sailor in the Fleet and Reserves with PMAGs. If this is the case, then we are talking about almost a million magazines if this were to push out enough PMAGs to every armory in the Marine Corps for a 6 plus 1 combat load. Performance completion for this contract is September 2018, so theoretically every active duty and reserve Marine armory could be receiving GEN M3 PMAGs by the end of next year.

There has been much talk about getting PMAGs issued throughout the Marine Corps, with what appeared to be an official Marine Corps green light last year, in addition to the Air Force approving the magazine for use in August, and even the Army authorizing it for acquisition with unit funds. Of course, the Army is still looking at the Enhanced Performance Magazine ( which doesn’t seem to be too reliable). DOD-wide, it appears as if the days of the aluminum STANAG with the new anti-tilt follower look to be numbered.

Duane Liptak had this statement to TFB about the contract-

The lion’s share of this contract is likely to pure fleet field the GEN M3 PMAG to the entire USMC, but technically, they could go to any of the services or to SOCOM elements of the services, as long as the fielding timeline for USMC isn’t interfered with, so I’m assuming that’s why it lists the other services who are ordering in larger numbers. Navy and Coast Guard are on board, too, but might just not be in the allocation plan for this purchase.

In further news, Mr. Liptak mentioned that the company had also won a 260,000 magazine order through a contract that was initially 130,000 magazines and with an option for another 130,000 that was eventually executed. He didn’t mention where this contract originated from, but I’m sure we’ll soon find out through the Defense Logistics Agency announcements so stay tuned.

Overall, it looks like Christmas comes early for Magpul!

Special Thanks to Duane Liptak of Magpul, Nathaniel F., and Hrachya


Infantry Marine, based in the Midwest. Specifically interested in small arms history, development, and usage within the MENA region and Central Asia. To that end, I run Silah Report, a website dedicated to analyzing small arms history and news out of MENA and Central Asia.Please feel free to get in touch with me about something I can add to a post, an error I've made, or if you just want to talk guns. I can be reached at

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  • Carlcasino Carlcasino on Dec 19, 2017

    MagPul's move to TX will really be felt now on their bottom line, Moving to a Company Friendly Tax environment is a win-win for both. Reckon Kalifornika and NY State will Pay Attention? Naw! Stupid is as Stupid Does.

    • Seth Seth on Dec 20, 2017

      @carlcasino we welcome MP here in the lone star state with open arms. and armament!

  • Seth Seth on Dec 20, 2017

    when i was in the Air Cav. the only plastic on my rifle was the hand stock, my grenade launch tube and the butt stock, but now even magazines are plastic, i kinda like them !
