Search: first firearm

StG 44 in 5.56 and 7.62×39 On The Way

The StG 44, or the Sturmgewehr 44, introduced in 1943 was the first modern assault rifle. It’s a rifle that’s on my wish list that I will never get to own. They’re pretty rare and very expensive, however you can try and snag one from the huge cache [Read More…]

TFB’s Very Own Live Ammo Feed!

You may have noticed that we haven’t produced the weekly ammo post in a couple of months. Some of you were probably like “Thank goodness!”. But for those of you that sent email wondering where it had gone (which was definitely a few), I would like to introduce [Read More…]

D.C. Handgun Carry Law On Hold

Lets be clear about this post. This is not about politics. It is about the law in D.C. regarding carrying handguns. I found this on Facebook. The courts have allowed a stay to the city so they can file an appeal to the law. So for now the carry permit reverts back to [Read More…]