Search: mp5k

TFB’s Rifle (And Subgun) Weight Omnibus – How Heavy is Your Rifle? (Part 1 of 3)

In October, I traveled out to see my co-writer Alex C. to collect data on the weights of different long guns and some of their components. Over that weekend, I weighed 58 rifles and submachine guns, and numerous magazines, bolts, bolt carriers, and other miscellaneous [Read More…]

Small Arms of Furious 7

Ever since the movie came out in theaters, I’ve been waiting to buy it and take copious amounts of screen shots in order to make this post. Well, the movie was released on the 15th to the general public for paid download, you can go buy it yourself here at Google [Read More…]

ATI’s new GSG-522

Last year American Tactical Imports was forced to take their GSG-5, a .22 MP5 patterned pistol and rifle, off the market after they were successfully sued by H&K for trade dress infringement. You can imagine my surprise when I saw them on display at SHOT only a [Read More…]

GSG-5P: .22 MP5 patterned pistol

American Tactical Imports are importing the GSG-5P, a pistol version of the .22 MP5 patterned GSG-5. Click to expand. The specs are the same as the carbine/rifle version apart from weighing 400 grams less. As far as I can see it is a GSG-5 with a butt plate instead of a [Read More…]