Some funny photos taken by Greg Skazinski. When people say a certain gun is too big for AIWB carry just show them this and tell them they are not trying hard enough. The Xmas sweaters are a nice touch. Anyone recognize the optic in the photo above? At first I thought it [Read More…]


AR-15 Parts Weights Database

When it comes to building an AR-15 weight is a factor I always consider. Unless you’re building a long range rifle that will only be shot off of a bench I believe lighter is always better. A good way to shave off ounces from your AR build is to use a lightweight [Read More…]

Colt Series 70 1911 MSR-15 Patrol

Wilson Combat OTF Automatic Knives

Wilson Combat is a well known 1911 manufacturer who has recently been in the spotlight with the Wilson Combat AR9 9mm AR-15. Since 2000 Bill Wilson has been offering knives under one brand or another and recently Wilson Combat teamed back up with Hogue. This [Read More…]

SAINT Viper Western