Category: Rifles

K98k Rifle: Backbone of the Wehrmacht

The German K98k served Nazi Germany from the mid 1930s until the end of World War II, and was by far the most prolific German small arm during the conflict. The rifle is essentially a shorter, lighter, and handier version of the old Gewehr 98 rifles with some tweaks and modifications to make it more [Read More…]

POTD: Fedorov Avtomat

Found this cool cut away. It looks like a CG render rather than a real firearm. I am not that familiar with this gun and its operation to know if the CG model is accurate or not. Any of our readers know this gun inside and out? Phil Note: Hey Alex have you got one?

Brown Recluse IWI X95

Magpul Introduces 5.45mm-Compatible AK Magazine

Rumors of a new Magpul magazine for the AK-74 platform are confirmed: The company has just released the PMAG 30 AK74 MOE magazine, designed to hold 30 rounds of 5.45x39mm ammunition and compatible with all 5.45mm caliber AK rifles that take traditional AK-74 pattern [Read More…]

LEAKED: Kalashnikov Concern’s New RPK-400 Dual-Feed 5.45mm SAW

An image of a mysterious new Russian machine gun was leaked to the public recently, during a visit to the Kalashnikov factory by Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov. The weapon is an intriguing dual-feed magazine/belt loading gun that features distinctly un-AK-like [Read More…]


Gun Review posted up five great examples of marksmanship. Click here to read their article. The first shot was by a police sniper. According to the narrator, this shot was over 50 yards and the sniper shot the handgun out of the hand of the suspect. Is it just me or [Read More…]

Review: “Prepper Guns” Asks if You’re Ready for Potential Disaster

Yes, I am a gun writer – or an outdoor writer, to use the proper term. If you assume this means I read quite a bit, you’d be right, but not every gun writer out there is also a reader. For me, reading is paramount. The only thing capable of fighting my [Read More…]