Posts by Richard L.

Richard L.

Richard lives in southern Indiana and has a strong interest in training, modified pistols, optics, and low profile gear/tactics. Some may consider it hoarding or some form of addiction, but he never tires in his pursuits as a stamp and lumen collector!

For any corrections, input, or interest in posts, you can reach him at

FlatPack eye protection EDC illumination Nods Regulations

Cry Havoc Tactical and the new Quick Release Barrel (QRB) Kit

The industry is packed with new personal defense weapons (PDW’s) in all shapes, calibers, and sizes with the intent of providing a small but controllable package that can be easily deployed and give a large force multiplier in a small package. While many give up a [Read More…]

[SHOT 2018] High Threat Concealment’s New Products for 2018

High Threat Concealment (HTC) specializes in providing concealed tactical gear for armed professionals demanding a low profile signature as well as the civilian wanting to utilize the best gear. The HTC line is modular allowing for scalability based on threat and need. [Read More…]

[SHOT 2018] Lancer’s New AR Magazine Well Extension and .300 AAC Blackout Advanced Warfighter Magazine

This year at SHOT 2018 Lancer has produced a new AR magazine well extension and a designated .300 AAC BLK Advanced Warfighter Magazine (AWM). After hearing of a designated .300 AAC BLK magazine I was somewhat confused as I had always assumed magazines would function the [Read More…]

[SHOT 2018] Primary Weapon Systems New M Line and PCC

Primary Weapon Systems (PWS) is known for making a long stroke piston AR rifles. What sets them apart from other AR manufacturers is their ability to run internals modeled after the AK platform; while still maintaining the ergonomics and last round bolt hold open [Read More…]

[SHOT 2018] Trigger Point Technology Inc.

Trigger Point Technology is a small company in California that has integrated visible and IR light and aiming lasers into controls on the magazine well and trigger of the AR platform. Terry Abst realized the need for quick, accurate engagement, particularly with hostage [Read More…]