Wilson Combat Announces Expansion of Facilities and Production

Will P
by Will P
Wilson Combat proudly shows off their latest manufacturing expansion in a new video announcement released on July 9th.

Wilson Combat‘s history in the firearms industry stretches back nearly half a century. From his background as a trained watchmaker, company founder Bill Wilson made the jump into guns in 1974 with a retail store, then shifted to manufacturing three years later. From the late 1970s to today, the brand’s principal domain has been in high-end 1911 handguns. However, that isn’t all they do. They have also dabbled in other handgun models as well as some shotgun work, and particularly in recent years, they’ve concentrated ever more heavily in AR offerings. TFB has reported on Wilson’s various products quite a bit over the years, and a sampling of those past articles is listed for you below.

Wilson Combat @ TFB:

With the expansion of the company’s catalogue of offerings, and the ever-growing firearms market as a whole, has come increased demand for Wilson’s products. They’ve grown significantly over the years, and last year they began work on a brand-new 16,000 square foot building at their Berryville, Arkansas campus. This facility brings the total manufacturing and distribution footprint to just shy of 100,000 square feet, and facilitated the hiring of an additional 81 employees. The gunmaker has produced a video to give customers an inside look at these operations, which you can find above, along with the accompanying text for their June 9th announcement copied for you below. Also appearing in the video is renowned firearms instructor Ken Hackathorn, who has long been a Wilson fan and an accomplished 1911 shooter. Hackathorn has collaborated with Wilson on his own special-edition Wilson 1911s, available in .45 ACP, 9mm, and 38 Super.

The AR section of their product catalogue spans a wide spectrum of calibers, from the standards like 5.56 NATO and .308 Winchester to more niche chamberings like 300 HAM'R and 7mm-08 Remington.

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Major Expansion For 2021

Wilson Combat is pleased to announce a major facility expansion for 2021 to meet the current and future needs of our valued customers.

This 10 million dollar 16,000 square foot expansion south of Berryville, Arkansas has increased our facility size from 77,200 sq ft to 93,200 sq ft and our team members from 161 to 242. This additional space houses new automated machining centers, EDMs, lasers, CMMs and added barrel manufacturing equipment to increase production, enhance overall quality and substantially improve delivery times.

Construction is starting on an additional 3500 sq ft building that will house automated media blasting, tumbling and component finishing equipment. Once completed our 300+ acre campus will have 96,700 sq ft under roof to better serve our valued customers.

Images courtesy of Wilson Combat.

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Will P
Will P

Lifelong hobby/sport shooter and hunter, former US Army infantryman, perpetual firearms student. Always seeking to become better and learn more. Interested in a wide variety of shooting disciplines, and passionate about all kinds of guns. Contact on Instagram: @WillTFB

More by Will P

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3 of 7 comments
  • Douglas DiToro Douglas DiToro on Jul 14, 2021

    Ths is what COLT should have done years ago, Kudos and Bravo Zulu to the Wilson company and its cadre of skilled craftsman.

  • Dingo Johnston Dingo Johnston on Jul 15, 2021

    >we are producing and building over 600% more rifles then in 2019

    That's insane, and awesome. Good for them. A man can only dream that in two or three years supply is more then demand and we get cheap stuff again.
