Search: glock mos

Sccy CPX-1 Review

I first became acquainted with the Sccy pistol line while working at a gun store in Southern Colorado. Our little hole in the wall shop had received one of their early production handguns, and the owner liked it enough to carry around in a small pistol holster in the [Read More…]

Gander Mountain Virtual Range

Perhaps the most awe-inspiring thing many of us saw at the Blue August Gun and Outdoor Conference was the facility itself; The Lake Mary Gander Mountain features a virtual range. Ok that doesn’t sound that cool, and your mind probably jumps to a vision of a larger [Read More…]

Q-Series Conceal Carry Holster

Fellow Top Shot alumnus and former Dept of Homeland Security firearms instructor Gary Quesenberry recently came out with a new pistol holster designed for concealed carry. I’m quite impressed with it and I want to explain why. Now, concealed carry is a really [Read More…]

Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Banner MG3I

Megapistols takes a look at 7 megapistols. Hybrids of rifles made into the pistol category. The obvious benefits are high powered and no Class 3 ATF license and tax stamp. Most of the 7 are a form of an AR pistol. Here are the ones that stand out. CzechPoint SA [Read More…]

Women Review four .380 pistols

On Legally Armed America, three ladies shoot and review four .380 acp pistols. They look at a Ruger LCP, S&W Bodyguard, Colt XSP Mustang and the Glock 42. Not surprisingly, the S&W Bodyguard was the least liked out of the four handguns. I have met many people [Read More…]