Search: glock

Signal 9 Reliant (4 Barrel Pistol)

Okay, I have no idea about this one. Definitely an oddity.  I’m not sure if they are going to be at SHOT, but I will be on the lookout.  The press release says it is designed for concealed carry but I have some doubts… Side-by-side .38 Spl seems like it [Read More…]

PSA: Use Holsters, Not Purses

Tragically, 29-year-old mother Veronica Rutledge was shopping in an Idaho Walmart with her toddler and a trio of older nieces when the toddler reached into her purse, pulled out her gun, and fatally shot her. According to police Rutledge did have a concealed carry [Read More…]

Review: The Gun Box

I’ve been using The Gun Box for a few months now and finally have some good usage with it so I can share my experience. Some quick background is available in my write-up from a year ago covering their Indiegogo campaign. Overall, the safe has been nice to have [Read More…]

Sccy CPX-1 Review

I first became acquainted with the Sccy pistol line while working at a gun store in Southern Colorado. Our little hole in the wall shop had received one of their early production handguns, and the owner liked it enough to carry around in a small pistol holster in the [Read More…]