Shorty Shotty Gel Test: Ventura 12ga #0 minibuck
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A Simply Excellent Solid Copper JHP: Asym .45 Auto 185gr TAC-XP Gel Test and Review
As much as the curmudgeons favor it, .45 Auto has a dirty little secret: its typically low velocity often causes it to perform poorly in heavy clothing. Some bullets do perform well, but many fail to expand when fired through heavy clothing. Calibers such as 9mm Parabellum benefit from higher muzzle velocity when fired from a service pistol length barrel and that can somewhat make up for less than optimal bullet design.
Fiocchi .38 spl 125gr XTP carbine Gel Test Review
We shoot Fiocchi .38 spl 125gr XTP ammunition from a Rossi M92 lever action carbine with a 16″ barrel into Clearballistics ballistic gel to measure velocity, penetration, expansion/fragmentation, and retained weight. Buy it at Ventura Munitions.
Remington .357 mag 158gr SJHP carbine Gel Test Review
We shoot Remington .357 mag 158gr SJHP ammunition from a Rossi M92 lever action carbine with a 16″ barrel into Clearballistics ballistic gel to measure velocity, penetration, expansion/fragmentation, and retained weight. Buy it at Ventura Munitions