Tag: ammo

The Home Team Advantage: Ammunition, Compatibility, and Why Change Is Bad

If we can make a round that is significantly better than the existing 5.56mm or 7.62mm ammunition, shouldn’t the military just bite the bullet and switch, to the benefit of the servicemen and women in harm’s way? What’s stopping the powers that be from [Read More…]

.300 Blackout vs. 9x39mm: Russia’s Subsonic Brute [Modern Intermediate Calibers 026.1]

Today’s Modern Intermediate Calibers will handle something a little different. While virtually all rounds we have looked at so far were designed primarily for supersonic use, today we will be taking a gander at the Russian 9x39mm round – a dedicated [Read More…]

.224 Valkyrie Will Get a 100gr Bullet – Federal Premium Releases Official Data and Loads

Ammunition maker Federal Premium recently released its full bundle of press info on their new .224 Valkyrie round, coming on the heels of teasers released at Big 3 East. The .224 Valkyrie is a high performance .22 caliber round for the AR-15, which uses heavy, low drag [Read More…]

40mm blunt impact gel NovX 9mm ammo Federal Premium ELEY Pellets Side view of a ballistic gel block