TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 15: Can't Stop The Signal Edition
Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 15. If you know what “ Can’t stop the signal” means, then feel free to skip the intro and get to look at the deals we’ve found this week. For the rest of you, the phrase “can’t stop the signal” comes from one of my favorite TV Shows/Movies of all time – Firefly. In the movie that came out after the TV show, the character Mr. Universe is a techno-geek who is obsessed with disseminating information that the shows/movies’ main antagonists (an overreaching centralized government) didn’t want citizens of the Alliance to know. 3D printers are often tech-geeks themselves and since the inevitable blending of firearms and 3D printing, many 3D gun printers have used the term “can’t stop the signal” as a way to flaunt that despite their best efforts, there really is almost nothing you can do to stop the dissemination of 3D printed parts plans. So this week, in honor of our 3D printing friends and allies, I’ve gone and found some great deals on 3D printing supplies, tools, and machines to hopefully get more of you started down this same path.
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TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 15: Can’t Stop The Signal Edition
This book from our good friend Cody Wilson is all about 3D printing and also tells the story of the first 3D printed gun – the Liberator. Cody Wilson is a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter and also someone who thinks that everyone should have easy access to guns right in their own home. Cody Wilson also started up Defense Distributed, a company that specializes in a home desktop solution for a CNC milling machine that can finish out 80% AR-15 lowers with ease. His book is currently on sale in kindle format for $12.99.
The Ender series of 3D printers is one that I often see referenced when people ask what the “go-to” 3D printer is. The Ender 3 V2 features a large carborundum glass printing platform (heat bed) which allows your 3D print to adhere better and it also features an integrated user interface module that allows you to control some aspects of the 3D printer without needing to use your attached computer. This particular Ender 3 comes with Crealty slicer software but there is also plenty of other 3D printing software that is compatible with the Ender 3 that are completely free. The Ender 3 V2 is currently on sale for $279.00.
PLA+ is widely considered to be one of the best solutions for making 3D-printed gun parts. The filament isn’t exactly cheap but in comparison to other raw materials for guns, it’s actually quite affordable. However, this particular filament in black is a few dollars off and it’s always to keep plenty of this stuff on hand in a variety of colors for your next project. If you happen to botch a print then you’ll be glad you have spare filament rolls on hand.
This complete 3D printer toolkit contains all of the odds and ends you can expect to find yourself needing and or using during the course of your 3D printing. Things like craft knives, calipers, and brushes will help you get started in fine-tuning your prints, cleaning off your print surfaces, clipping excess supports, and making the fit and finish of your prints exactly how you want them. This kit is currently on sale for $42.28.
A patron who is a frequent 3D printer and has tons of projects he’s always working on recommended that we put a spare microSD card on the list. His line of reasoning for this is that while your microSD card is tied up being used by the printer itself, the spare one can be used to stage your next print job so that you’re not having to wait on the print. You don’t need a large SD card as STL files are extremely efficient but it always helps to have a spare one around so you can work on the next print project while one is cooking. This 2GB Sandisk microSD card is currently on sale for $10.99.
Finally, we have one of my favorite tools for doing odd craft jobs – the venerable Dremel. Dremels can be used to do heavy-duty sanding, drill holes, route edges, and even cut off thick plastic or metal parts. This Dremel 7700 features a rechargeable 7.2-volt battery and several genuine Dremel accessories to help you fine-tune your print. The Dremel 7700 kit is currently on sale for $74.18 and comes with 15 different accessories.
Can’t Stop the Signal
If any of you out there have tips, tricks, tools or methods that you’ve found have helped you become a better 3D printer, please feel to leave them below. 3D printing has come a long way since its inception and I think it has now firmly seated itself well within the realm of firearms manufacturing technology. Let us know what your latest print is down in the comments and show off your work! Thanks as always for reading TFB.
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Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:
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>hurr can't stop the signal
Get back with us when the 3D printing community actually starts solving problems again and putting out a signal rather than just noise. They had their initial advancement with good quality homemade magazines, along with double action revolver designs that would be extremely difficult to make otherwise without a machine shop and can actually function with powder you can make at home unlike autoloading designs but have since stagnated and designs have shifted to being dependent on commercial parts and ammunition. Now they've just been retreading the same ground that had already been tread by the homemade gun community for decades except with ten times the circle jerking and self fellating about how they're saviors of freedom and while ignoring many of the advances the homemade gun community put out previously such as laminate bolts and other designs that could already be made with basic hand tools.
Live free or f***ing die.
-Jstark1809 (RIP)