New H&K SP5L – The MP5's Long Lost (Longer) Brother
Just in from Germany is the H&K SP5L – an SP5 pistol variant that boasts a longer 16.1” barrel. Because the SP5L is imported by our friends at H&K USA, it legally can’t come outfitted as a rifle with a stock. However, new owners are free to swap out the pistol endcap for a stock, without having to wait for ATF approval to make a short barrel rifle. The MSRP is listed as $2,949 and will begin shipping to dealers at the end of this month.
Credit goes to our own Eric B. for the scoop.
H&K @ TFB:
As a reminder, to remain in complete compliance with federal laws, a few select foreign made components must be swapped for U.S. made components if you plan on turning your new SP5L into a rifle. Another option would be to swap this pistol end cap for a pistol stabilizing brace and avoid any 922r nonsense.
A 16.1” barrel seems odd on such an iconic receiver built to be a compact pistol caliber carbine. However, the move may be a way to avoid certain state laws and regulations surrounding shorter barrels. Or perhaps a platform for a competition gun? The question of “why” doesn’t really matter – these guns will sell out within minutes of hitting dealer’s shelves. If they even make it that far.
I have to be honest, a part of me really wants to test the SP5L alongside the SP5 with the same suppressor to see how much quieter this platform can run. Details are listed below.
- Length: 25.5 in.
- Height: 8.66 in.
- Barrel Length: 16.57 in.
- Weight: 5.9 lb
- Magazine: 30 rd – 6.3 oz/10 rd – 3.5 oz
- Trigger pull: 6.74-10.11 pounds-force / 30-45 N
- Trigger Travel: .24 in.
- Return Travel: .12 in.
- Barrel: Groove/land profile, 6 grooves, right-hand twist
The H&K MP5 is BACK in the USA! Introducing the SP5
In this episode of TFBTV, James has the privilege of shooting the new Heckler & Koch SP5, which is essentially the return of the famous MP5, but does it hold up the legacy? Watch today and find out.
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If you cut the barrel you lose the built in tri lug lol
Looks like the "compliant" P90 has some competition for ridiculous barrels under the color of law...