Archive: June, 2015

Seekins MLOK
Training With Laser Sights

Training with Laser Sights

Crimson Trace has put together a series of training videos about the use of laser sights. These videos were produced with the help of the Education and Training Division of the National Rifle Association. Instructors from the Gunsite Academy are featured in the videos, [Read More…]

davidsons Smith & Wesson M&P9

Can You Guess That Gun Sound?

Some firearms make incredibly iconic sounds that enthusiasts the world over can recognize immediately. Are you one of these folks? Well, try and get all five as laid out if this video!  One of them is so iconic, if you have been a gun guy (or girl) for longer than a couple of months, we […] [Read More…]

The Staggering Human Toll of WWII

While the vast majority of us use guns for defense, fun, and hunting; I believe it necessary to ensure that we never forget the toll by which our freedom comes. Neil Halloran, an animator has come up with an utterly mesmerizing (and sobering) graphic representation of [Read More…]

Is this the end of TFB?

The State Department is considering expanding rules to prevent US manufacturers, or US citizens, from publishing unclassified technical information relating to the manufacture of any weapons, including firearms and ammunition. If the information is distributed in [Read More…]

Laser Shotgun

I don’t think this guy knows what a shotgun is. However it is an impressive device. Albeit, it looks slapped together. It looks like he mounted his laser array to an Electric Airsoft M4. The laser array produces 40W of laser. He uses a magnifying lens to focus the [Read More…]