The Alaskan Hunter: Sarah Palin's custom .50 AR-15
At the National NRA Foundation Banquet on 14 May, Governer Palin will be presented with a custom AR-15 chambered in the powerful .50 Beowulf cartridge. The Alaskan Hunter, as it is named, was designed by Bob Reynolds of Templar Consulting. Bob was kind enough to email the photos for the rifle and its specs.
This is the actual rifle that will be presented to Sarah Palin.
– It’s approximately 6-7 pounds
– One of a kind custom solid billet upper hand fit to a forged lower made of 7075 T6 alloy
– Vltor Enhanced Modular stock with the state of Alaska engraved on the side
– Satern machining single point cut rifle barrel 1/20 twist, with an integral flash hider milled into the barrel with an 11 degree crown, chambered in .50 Beowulf
– Composite G10 hand guards with spiral pattern cut
– SSA Geiselle 4 pound trigger
– Magpul trigger guard
– Eotech 512 holo sight
– One seven round magazine
– Ergo small grip
Engraved on the receiver is “In honor of Sarah Palin”.
An absolutely beautiful rifle. Do you think if I move to Alaska, become Governor and run for the Office of the Vice President, they will also give me one? I am tempted to try just to get my hands on the rifle 😉
Many thanks to Bob for taking the time to email me.
UPDATE: Palin is not attending the banquet. (Thanks to Sebastian and ExurbanKevin for letting me know).
I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
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This is one bad mother....whoever made this should start a line of them to sell to the public...I would so buy one....this is a hot piece!! And yes I am a young lady:)
eversince, I admired her guts, beauty and skills :)
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