Tag: News

Blackwater USA is Back!

In February 2009, after many scandals, litigation and other PR disasters, Blackwater USA infamously rebranded themselves as Xe Services. We were puzzled when Mossberg announced a range of Blackwater USA branded shotguns. Then last month the situation became clearer [Read More…]

Game of Carbines

TFB resident expert Daniel E. Watters has published an article for Defense Industry Daily about the US Army procurement of 70,000 to 100,000 additional M4 Carbines, what is means for Colt, who own the M4 design, and for other manufacturers. Obviously, if Colt does not [Read More…]

Windham Weaponry: Bushmaster Reborn

Bushmaster Firearms International has long since ceased to be a separate entity, in spirit if not legally. The company has been folded into Remington and the Bushmaster name is now just one of Remington’s many brand names. Today it was announced that Bushmaster [Read More…]