Search: survival pistol

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On not being a gun owner

I was compiling my database of all my firearms, pictures of them and their serial numbers when at the end of my cataloging, I realized I had 18 guns. That’s not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things to do with collecting but it is alot for me. More importantly [Read More…]

Crimson Trace Midnight 3 Gun Banner MG3I

Mossberg JIC II

The original Mossberg JIC (Just In Case) cruiser shotgun comes with an airtight resealable PVC tube. The new JIC II, which will be sold alongside the original, comes in a soft case with shoulder strap. The 18.5″ Mossberg 500 shotgun is stored with the barrel and [Read More…]

AR-7 styled after the AR-15

The AR-7 was designed by Eugene Stoner for the US Airforce in 1958, a couple of years after he designed the AR-10 (which went on to evolve into the AR-15). This Henry AR-7 Survival Rifle, I am sure, would have put a smile on Stoner’s face. “bronco” [Read More…]

224,000 Rounds in 12 days

James Yeager wrote a fascinating article for SWAT Magazine and has cross posted it on the The Survival Podcast Forum. So what happens to a bunch of ARs, AKs and various pistols when you subject them to 12 very intense days and nearly a quarter million rounds of [Read More…]