Search: competition

Accu-Tac SR-5 Bi-pod

I love covering products that start as one-man entrepreneur shows. Most of these stories start with the premise that they were shooting and encountered a problem, saw no existing solution, and decided to create one. The most inspiring story is probably Ronnie Barrett [Read More…]

Off Axis Shooting

Aaron Cowan of Sage Dynamics discusses and shows a slight variation of off axis shooting. I usually see off axis shooting in 3Gun competitions where the shooter has an angled sight zeroed differently than his or her main sight. This way you can stay zoomed in for longer [Read More…]

Hopper Spit

Hopper Spit

If you are looking for a way to provide long-term rust resistance to your guns, Birchwood Casey has Hopper Spit for you. There are a lot of short- and long-term corrosion tests on the internet. Some of the most expensive brands don’t fare much better than some of [Read More…]

Gaston Glock Barrel Knives

Gaston J. Glock is making limited edition damascus knives with renowned blacksmith, Balbach. The knives are extremely limited. The reason? The metal used to make these knives are made from the competition Glock 35 barrels of World Champion shooter, Dave Sevigny. Two of [Read More…]

Range is NOT Clear

Here is a video that has been going around recently on social media. It is a video of a pistol match stage. As the shooter, RSO, and camera man progress through the stage there is a person hidden down range due to the stage design. There are a couple things going [Read More…]

Altamont Company