Search: targets

Ammo Prices: 5/02/2014

Sixth week! So, I’m not sure why but The Sportsman Guide has 500rds of .380 ACP for less than half of the other vendors with availability. It *is* Wolf, but still… Also, there are a lot more vendors selling .22LR this week. Prices are still a bit [Read More…]

Ammo Prices: 4/25/2014

Week 5 ammo prices. Last week a number of you readers took the raw data and ran with it, generating some pretty cool graphs and showing some interesting analytics. Also this week, by popular demand, I have included basic trending by vendor by caliber by lot size, kind [Read More…]

Ammo Prices: 4/18/2014

Fourth week of prices. My intention was to generate trending graphs this week, but as I started playing with the data I realized this post would become hideously huge. So what I would like the reader base to do is to determine what graphs/trends would be most useful [Read More…]