One-Handed Shooting

From I’ve recently been looking over a number of law enforcement firearms training plans, including both qualifications and scenario-based courses of fire. One of the things that jumps out at me is the minimal amount of one handed shooting that is [Read More…]

How much ammo is enough?

Jovian Thunderbolt’s take on the subject: 1800 rounds isn’t even gun-nut categories yet. I gotta work harder at this. If the world as I knew it, does end, I’m going to wish I had 18,000 rounds or more. Ooo, definitions. That last scenarios has an [Read More…]

Shotgun slug hunting

Slaton @ Gun Shots discusses long distance (100-200 yard) slug hunting: I started deer hunting with a slug gun. Well, let me qualify that. It was actually an old side-by-side Stevens, and back in college, just before the deer opener my buddy and I would drive to an [Read More…]

Lego AK-47

My previous lego gun post was very popular so I did some googling and came across this Lego AK-47: Click to expand the images: More photos here. UPDATE Michi (viet-kong) has created a new lego AK-47. It is amazing! Check out these photos AK with dust cover removed: [Read More…]

Microsoft Gun Club

I was not aware that Microsoft employees had their own gun club until SayUncle pointed it out in a comment on his blog! Apparently they are quite active. In 2000 they donated at least $100,000 to the NRA. Microsoft matched the employee contribution. From The NRA [Read More…]

Gun Control in Burma

An interesting although unsurprising article about gun law in Burma (Myanmar): A 1951 law bans possession of automatic weapons, grenades, and explosives with the intent to commit high treason. A rather narrowly-tailored law, at first glance. However, the law states that [Read More…]

History of the Chinese M14 Clones

I came across a PDF, with no date or author, about the history of the Chinese M14 clones. It is a very interesting read! UPDATE: H2O MAN in the comments below let me know that the text comes from “M14 Rifle History and Development” by Lee Emerson. Thanks H2O [Read More…]

SPAM from a gun maker

I approve all comments on my blog before they are shown. This is to prevent spam comments, mainly medications of dubious origin, from being displayed. This is common practice. When checking the latest comments on my site this is what I came across: This is blatant SPAM. [Read More…]

Medieval Archery

I came across a fascinating article discussing medieval archery, specifically the English victory over the French at the battle of Agincourt in 1415 which was won by the English longbow archers. Henry had approximately 5,000 archers at Agincourt, and a stock of about [Read More…]