Air Force Base to Allow Personal Firearms for CCW Permit Holders

Luke C.
by Luke C.

Wright-Patterson Airforce Base will soon allow concealed carry permit holders from Ohio and states with reciprocity to request approval for the transport of personal firearms to and from the installation. Privately Owned Firearms will be allowed inside one’s vehicle while on base but they have to be unloaded.

The decision to the policy change seems to be a direct result of personnel’s desire to carry their own form of personal protection to the base, even if it meant that the firearm had to be unloaded. Major Julie Roloson, the 88th Security Forces Squadron Commander had this to say:

We recognized that part of the population here was interested in seeing a change in our policy when it came to the transport of privately owned firearms on the installation,”

“After much careful analysis, we established appropriate procedures to satisfy that intent without sacrificing the safety and security of the base.

Air Force Base to Allow Personal Firearms for CCW Permit Holders - Photo credit: U.S. Air Force/William P.Coleman

Personal firearms that are carried on base by approved persons will not be allowed to be removed from their vehicles and the firearms themselves must be unloaded and locked in a secured container out of plain view. Those who want to carry on base must have a valid CCW permit, a valid DoD ID card, and must be either active duty, retired military, reserve, guard, dependants 21 years of age or older, and DoD civilian employees to qualify. The process for implementing this policy change will take place as follows:

Phase 1: Aug. 17, active-duty Personnel

Phase 2: Sept. 15, Guard, Reserve, and retired military

Phase 3: Oct. 15, dependents 21 years of age and older and DoD civilians

Form DD 2760 “Qualification to Possess Firearms or Ammunition, Form 1314 “Firearm Registration”, and a statement for understanding possession will have to be completed by individuals seeking approval to have their weapons on base. Other combinations of forms will need to be completed based on whether the person is an active duty or a national guard member, retired, or a 21+-year-old dependent.

Photo credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Kristine Legate

Once approved, an individual is authorized for two years if the individual “remains qualified.” As the regulations for this policy change are implemented further guidance will be provided by Security Force during the Personally Owned Firearms registration process.

Photo credit: AirForce

Even if this is a somewhat neutered response to people’s apparent desire to carry firearms for personal protection, I still believe it is at least a concession being made by what is usually a staunch resistor of personal firearms possession on its premises. Military installations still remain some of the most highly restrictive places in regards to firearms possession.

Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:

More by Luke C.

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2 of 38 comments
  • Raconteur Raconteur on Aug 25, 2020

    Active duty base personnel, with CCW, should be trained as aux. security forces and utilized to enhance security responses. They should also offer the training to any other personnel with access to the base.

  • Whit3 Whit3 on Aug 25, 2020

    The base where I work absolutely prohibits anyone other than on-duty Security Forces from carrying a gun. I came very close to be mugged on my lunch hour in the parking lot of a store near the base. We definitely need this, but until DoD comes out making it policy everywhere, it won't happen at my base.
