Problem with NiB coating

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

EmptorMaven posted up an interesting observation regarding Nickel Boron coated BCGs.

He surmises that if fouling can adhere to the BCG then it is possible it can build up to the point of failure.

Here is a comparison picture of a heavily used chromed BCG vs a NiB BCG.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

More by Nicholas C

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  • T T on Jul 26, 2014

    Wow.. really? all of this arguing over THIS?

    someone needs to come back when they have a DIRECT comparison between two DI BCGs.. chrome and NiB.

    My god.. really?

    lets compare apples to blackhawk helicopters and see which one makes the best garden stake..

  • Kivaari Kivaari on Aug 12, 2014

    My question is: Is NiB worth the expense? A BCG costs an extra $100 compared to a standard issue part. Is this material different from the chrome plating that original M16s used, and found chips cutting into the upper receiver?
    I never had issues with original M16A1 rifles or dozens of AR15-type rifles that had proper care.
