Tag: Heckler & Koch

French Special Forces

Thanks to Amael Kotlarski for sending this one into us. This a promotional video produced by the French Army, it depicts the Command and Transmissions Company of the Army Special Forces Brigade. Some kit is shown as well as weaponry, mostly consisting of HK417/416 and [Read More…]

HK416 vs Colt Water Test

An old video but an interesting one. HK tests their HK416 with a very specific test. Submerging it under water and then shooting it immediately after coming out of the water. The results for the Colt were surprising. Although the safety measures taken for the Colt kind [Read More…]

The H&K VP9

Caleb Giddings, over at Gun Nuts Media, reviewed the new H&K VP9. He is rather positive of the VP9. As is expected from an H&K, it performs well. The only real negative is the stock sights. Caleb doesn’t like them that much and is an easy fix with some [Read More…]