TFB Behind The Gun Podcast #95: Gun Guy Christmas Gift Brainstorming
With Christmas just around the corner, a couple of the TFB Staff and friends got together and brainstormed some last-minute stocking stuffers, gifts, and things to do this holiday season for your friends and loved ones. Today the guys and I share what we’d love to get for Christmas, what gifts we’ve given in the past that have worked well, and also a few things that might sound like good gifts, but don’t really work when it comes down to it. Of course, we’d like to hear what kind of gifts you guys love to give and receive during Christmas, so let us know in the comments! Of course, it goes without saying, the best gift this year is probably quality time with your family, friends, neighbors, and other loved ones as that’s something everyone could use more virtually anytime.
TFB Weekly Web Deals 73: Early Bird(shot) Christmas Shopping
Welcome to TFB Weekly Web Deals 73: Christmas is just around the corner and the more forward-thinking of us have probably already completed all of their Christmas shopping well in advance, and or are pretty much finished with it at this point. For the rest of us, we’re probably all still looking for things our friends and loved ones might appreciate this Christmas and that’s where we come in. This week and for the rest of the month we’ll be featuring items that can be useful as stocking stuffers or a last-minute gift for someone you might have accidentally left off of your list. I’m pretty sure that no one would complain about a sleeve of CCI Mini-Mags or even a single box of 9mm winding up under their tree!
TFB Weekly Web Deals 36: Stocking Stuffers for Gun Guys
Welcome to TFB Weekly Web Deals 36. The holiday season is in full swing and if you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping yet, you’re probably most likely out of luck considering most places have extended lead times in the two weeks preceding Christmas. However, if you’re determined to wrap up that Christmas list and check everyone off, today we’ll be providing you with some of our favorite types of stocking stuffers. These are small items you can give to friends, work colleagues, or family members who love gun stuff, but might just be a little too hard to shop for this close to the actual holiday.
TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 21: Gun Guy Stocking Stuffers Under $100
Welcome to TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 21. As we close in on the holiday season, I’m sure everyone is working towards getting all of their early Christmas shopping done to beat the Black Friday and Cyber Monday rushes. While some of the biggest deals of the year happen right around Black Friday, sometimes the stress of the mad rush to get those hotly discounted items can be more of a hassle than a way to save on holiday deals. Today for TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 21 I wanted to provide everyone with a nice short list of items that would make for great stocking stuffers in case you’re looking for a few items you can pass along to friends, coworkers, and acquaintances who you want to gift for the holiday season. Let’s get started. Almost all of these items are less than $100 so you should be able to pick up a couple of them to fill those gaps in your holiday gift-giving list.
Concealed Carry Corner: Gift Ideas For The Concealed Carrier
With Black Friday right around the corner and Christmas not far behind that, it’s important to start looking at gift ideas for that shooter in your life. There are some great Black Friday deals out there with various companies planning on discounting products that otherwise may not get a discount throughout the year. Even if you’re just picking up some new gear for yourself, purchasing on Black Friday can save you some serious cash. Let’s look at some gift ideas for the concealed carrier.
Porch Pirates: How to protect your Holiday Gun Gifts from Theft
This is a great time of year not just for gun owners but for everyone in general. The holidays are a good time to begin reflecting on the previous year and also a chance for us to show our friends and family our appreciation for them with gifts. That is unless they get stolen by Porch Pirates. Having been a recent victim of Porch Pirates I’ll give you all a couple tips and techniques I’ve adopted fo keeping your precious firearm-related gifts safe from Porch Pirates.
BEST Of The WORST: Amazon Gun Gifts Available Now
Imagine a free world where you could use Amazon Prime to order a dozen Magpul PMags, a case of 5.56mm ammo or a Geissele AR-15 trigger. And while I realize that it’s “their business, their rules” and that there are many other high-quality outlets that will ship you exactly what you want, there is still a part of me that wonders “why not?”. For the moment at least, there are a limited number of gun accessories and related gear products on the world’s largest internet retailer to keep us all somewhat happy. We’ve peppered you with knives, flashlights and the occasional less-than-lethal suggestion. But I decided to dig into the Amazon underworld, looking for firearm-related gear products that you don’t see every day. Who knows, maybe some of these Amazon gun gifts can be the perfect way to end a long friendship at this year’s company Secret Santa gift exchange.
FATHER'S DAY 2019: Real Gun Gifts For Real Gun Dads
Every December when the holiday season starts to unfold, I volunteer myself to write TFB’s 12 Days Of Christmas. Yes, it’s my favorite time of year and I enjoy giving you all gift ideas for friends and family, but a I also have a secretly selfish motive factored into the maneuver – my wife reads the series looking for presents for me. As such, it is my opportunity to play the counterintelligence game, sprinkling as many gun gifts to the rest of the world, hoping one or two make it full-circle back under our own tree. So far I’m batting a .666 average over three years.
A Gun-Loving Girl's Christmas List
Website mygunculture.com just put out what they consider to be a fantastic “15 Gifts for the Gun-Loving Girl” list, and a quick perusal of the content was more than enough motivation for me to make a few seasonal suggestions of my own. Christmas is only a few days away, but if you’re like me you’ve procrastinated to the very last moment and will be joining the frenzied droves of shoppers packing the roads and aisles on Christmas Eve itself. And if you do happen to have a true gun-loving girl (woman) in your life, I have a few suggestions of my own.