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Do you ever find yourself lost in thought about all the guns you want? I know I sure do. Here are some of them. East Meets West - The 5.45x39mm AR-15 Seized Shotguns Nigerian Port Top 5 Guns for Future US Space Marines

Level IV Armor, and the Future of Small Arms: Brief Thoughts 001

With Level IV armor rising in availability, calls for “overmatch”, and the increased presence of urban warfare, will designers be able to meet the requirements for future small arms? Forumgoer Poliorcetes raised this question in a discussion at the Military [Read More…]

TFBTV: 5 Best Surplus Rifles Under $500

Today we discuss 5 (or 6) great military surplus rifles that can be had for under $500. Sometimes you need to take a break from modernity to get a whole new great shooting experience! French subtitles thanks to Tempest, Russian subtitles thanks to Val. The full english transcript is below … [Read More…]

On not being a gun owner

I was compiling my database of all my firearms, pictures of them and their serial numbers when at the end of my cataloging, I realized I had 18 guns. That’s not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things to do with collecting but it is alot for me. More importantly [Read More…]

Ian with a prize from the Phoenix gun buy-back

The Most Enjoyable Gun Show in Ages

The Arizona state legislature recently passed a law requiring cities to sell guns they collect in gun buy-backs, rather than destroy them, as is typically done. The law has been passed but not yet gone into effect – so the city of Phoenix and the a group called [Read More…]