Apex Tactical Introduces Hi-Power Mag Well and +2/+4 Magazines
Apex Tactical makes a wide range of handgun parts and upgrades. The venerable Browning Hi-Power is one of the guns that Apex has paid attention to. They recently announced a new mag well and extended magazines for that gun.
Hi-Power @ TFB:
The Low-Profile Magazine Well adds a larger funnel opening for faster magazine changes. It retails for $200 and is in stock as of writing. This is a major change to the gun and necessitates special magazines. Apex also recommends using specific LOK Grips that are cut to fit around the mag well.
This is not a drop-in part on all models; it includes a drill bit for Girsan and Browning applications. On those guns, a hole needs to be drilled and anchor bushings installed in order to mount the mag well. However, on the Springfield SA-35, none of that is required.
The Apex mag well necessitates longer magazines. Standard Hi-Power magazines sit flush against the frame. An extended funnel does not work well with that type of setup. 17- and 19-round versions are available in black oxide or nickel finishes. 17-rounders cost $65, but add $5 for nickel and $10 for the 19-round model. Apex also sells models compatible with standard Hi-Powers that don’t have the mag well.
From the manufacturer:
Provides larger colosseum style frame entrance for faster relaods while adding minimal bulk or length (1/4″ added length)
Engineered magwell to frame entry interface improves magazine to frame channel alignment with the SA-35 factory frame bevels
Must be used with Apex 17 or 19 round magazines
Fits in IDPA ESP Division Box using Apex 17 round magazines
We recommend using grip panels made exclusively by LOK Grips for the Apex Low-Profile Magwell
Smoother, faster reloads with less chance of error
Simple, straightforward installation using simple hand tools
On SA-35 models only, requires NO frame cutting or welding for a near-seamless fit
Minor alterations to the BHP and Girsan frame is needed to attach properly
Machined from a billet of StressProof Steel for durability and black oxide finished
All images from Apex Tactical
AKA @fromtheguncounter on Instagram. Gun nerd, reloader, attorney, and mediocre hunter. Daniel can still be found on occasion behind the counter at a local gun store. When he is not shooting, he enjoys hiking, camping, and rappelling around Utah.
More by Daniel Y
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If you have a cylinder & Slide magwell, you need the Apex 19 round mags that are standard, not the ones for the Apex magwell.
This is perfect for the Hi-Power nerds like me :D