Gunspace: A Social Media App for Gun Owners

Tim C.
by Tim C.

Recently Made live on the Google Play Store as well as iTunes is the new social media app Gunspace. Now you might be wondering if there’s a need for such a thing, but I can tell you it’s pretty annoying to be on Facebook timeout for posting images of the buck you spent all morning trying to bag. Or being reported because you put up a video of a VW Microbus filled with Tannerite being turned into a crater by a single .22LR round (Dear sweet Lord don’t attempt this!). Gunspace promises to connect you with like-minded individuals who just want to show off their gats, shooting trophies and vids, or hunting results. The app itself is pretty straightforward and includes the ability to link your TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube accounts so you can easily share across platforms to reach a larger audience.

Networking, Social Media, and Gun Photography @ TFB:
According to the Gunspace Welcome Email:
Gunspace is the fastest growing firearm community in the United States.
Chat, message and share pictures with fellow club members on the CLUBFEED
Whether you are an enthusiast, owner, manufacturer, trainer, gun shop owner or event promoter, our online platform has the best tools to connect you directly with the firearm community.
The main feed page of the app.
The Gunspace Clubs feed.

App Features:

  • Upload your firearms to your virtual vault and show them off to your friends and followers
  • Watch and share videos of hunting, match’s, training or newly released products.
  • Network with other shooting sports enthusiasts or stay anonymous.
  • Add firearm details, such as modifications, multiple pictures and favorite places to shoot.
  • Receive notifications when you receive new messages and followers
  • See what events the people you are following are attending.
  • Network by liking and commenting on posts.
  • Check out new firearms your friends have added to their vault.
  • Share videos and pictures on the Shooter Ready feed
  • Search the thousands of events in our community to find the ones that interest you.
  • Fully customization event creation allows you to run payments directly through the app.
  • Want to grow your firearm business? Market your range, competition, gun store or MFG company and events by creating your business page, and post all of your events on the app, then push them out to Instagram.
  • No Racism or Politics allowed! Lots of different people enjoy the shooting sports and this is a “safe space” to come together as Americans and discuss firearms and the shooting sports without being censored.
The Events feed lets you know about nearby events in the community
The Vault is where you can upload images of your guns to share with the community.

The idea of a Social Media safe space that much like The Firearm Blog focuses on the sport and the hardware seems pretty refreshing to me. Especially given how hard my “friends” on Facebook are trying to either get me banned or make me listen to “All I want for Christmas (is you)” every day (5 year streak of not hearing it).

Tim C.
Tim C.

Tim was introduced to shooting at a very young age and ever since then he's been obsessed with Firearms and target shooting. He's an active member of the TFBTV Discord and can often be found in the dark corners of small gun stores looking for long forgotten oddities.

More by Tim C.

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2 of 26 comments
  • Cymond Cymond on Dec 18, 2021

    Nice try, ATF.

    But no, seriously, I kinda don't expect this will go very far. It will be a niche site that people only visit on occasion when they're looking for firearms content. It will not catch on as a general social media site, anymore than Full30 caught on as a general video site.

  • Cymond Cymond on Jan 06, 2022

    OTOH, maybe it will be less stupid than conventional social media


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