Update: Manufacturing Process of New AUTOMAG Pistol

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H
Update AUTOMAG Pistol Production (1)

Several months ago we talked about the revival of the AutoMag pistol by Auto Mag LTD, Corp. Particularly, we discussed the design changes of the magazine and the feeding system in general. Recently, the company has released an update about the current status of the new Auto Mag pistol’s production process.

Forming the wax master of the frame

Currently, the company is fixing some final design issues of the new magazine. There is also a significant progress in setting up the casting process of the frames and other parts. It is really interesting to follow the development of the new Auto Mag pistol. Even though it is an existing design, refining it and starting to produce it again is quite a labor-intensive and time-consuming process.

It takes 8 dips of the wax master into the shell material to form the final casting shell. The melted metal will be poured into the shell melting the wax master inside it and taking its place.

We should also note that the company thoroughly reports the process not trying to hide any of the obstacles and manufacturing process related problems they are facing. Here is an excerpt from the company’s press release telling about some of these issues:

On the first hurdle, we received our first batch of new magazine bodies in this week and already have found problems with the welds and the feed lips. We sent back samples of what needed improvement and should know next week how long it will take to get these new issues straightened out.

The second hurdle was once thought to be solved as we had 590 original frame castings and even though we knew that many had problems with warping and porosity, we thought we would get at least 50 or 100 good frames but we are having an extremely high failure rate. We will get a small number of frames that will allow us to ship a few more until we get new frame castings.

A cast frame

The preorder price of the base model of the new AutoMag pistol is $3,495.

Images courtesy of Auto Mag LTD, Corp. (www.automag.com)

Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at Hrachya@TheFirearmBlog.com

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  • TheAnnoyedMan TheAnnoyedMan on Nov 24, 2018

    A good friend of mine put his deposit down for one of these quite a long time ago. He’s anxiously awaiting completion of his pistol. He said that the main reason he didn’t back out and get his deposit back is that the Automag is one of his “dream” pistols that he’s lusted for most of his life. That’s what keeps him hanging in there. I sure hope that the quality/reliability of the finished product turns out to be worth the wait for him.

  • Adam Adam on Nov 25, 2018

    Hurry up and make on in 357 Automag so i can have one
